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How to teach reading

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Lesson plan

Topic: How to teach reading?


  1. Pre-reading stage :
  2. a) Lead-in :

          - to make some introduction :

                * to help the students in their reading by giving them some idea of what to expect

                * to arouse the student’s interests and make them want to read the text ( here the teacher can ask the

                    students to describe some pictures which are connected with  the topic of the text ;  give the students

                    a list of items to they guess what the text will  say about them )

          - to provide key-words ( to the students understand the general meaning of the text  )

          - to do some tasks ( to ask some general questions or tasks before reading the text -to the students look for the     

               main  idea)

  1. b) Pre-set a task:

-to provide a purpose for reading


  1. Reading one:

-     to the students could read the text quietly at their own speed

      -     to lead the students towards the main points of the text ( after the first reading they should have any  general         

              idea what is the text about )

  • to the students could scan the text only to extract the information which the questions demand
  • to answer the general questions which were given to the students before reading
  • to the students check their expectations what is the text about



III.  Reading two: 

  • to get more practice
  • to read the text aloud ( to practice pronunciation)
  • to extract more information
  • to get some details ( to understand more details )



  1. Post-reading activities:
  2. non-linguistic aim (to the students communicate ):

-     to discuss any topic

  • to write sth
  1. linguistic aim :

-   to do vocabulary exercises  ( with paying attention to the pronunciation & intonation )

-  to do some grammar exercises

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